28.08 — 29.11.2020

Body workshop / Discussion / Performance : Embodiment, Collaboration and Intersectionality – AOZIZ (Network, FR) with Andrew Graham, Béatrice Pedraza and Florence Morana


03.10 - 03.10.2020 / Centre de la Vieille Charité

The AOZIZ network offers a programme of workshops open to all audiences, inviting practitioners for whom inclusive practices and encounters are at the heart of their investigations.

It is an open and free invitation to experience different forms of expression through the proposals of guests from different parts of the world, especially to share their ongoing research. Somatic approaches are at the heart of the experiments, the work with the body is done as experienced from the inside rather than with the body as seen from the outside. In this way, body and mind are not separated but are experienced as a whole.

This collaboration consolidates their ten to twenty-five years’ experience in widening participation in the arts, with particular capacity in working with mixed groups of disabled and non-disabled participants. The collective expertise generates and deepens interventions across all planes of social difference. Body-based performing arts practices are at the heart of their investigations to provoke new intercultural encounters, making a meeting point for difference and creating alternative ways of being together. It will use the wordless abstraction that bodies and movement make possible to transform inclusion from discourse to material: something practice-led and experiential.

The workshop will take place in the morning from 10.00 to 12.00 and will be followed by a short presentation open to the public in the courtyard of Centre de La Vieille Charité.

In the afternoon, AOZIZ network invites you to participate to a session of workshop discussion from 14.00 to 15.00 with Andrew Graham, Béatrice Pedraza and Florence Morana on the topic Embodiment, Collaboration and Intersectionality. 

As part of the central programme Traits d’union.s of Manifesta 13, the AOZIZ network presents a performance by Groupe Solidaire des Migrants LGBTQ+, choreographed by Liam Warren in the corridors of La Vieille Charité. 

In the form of a procession meandering through the passageways of the Vieille Charité, DÉRIVES brings together a multitude of trajectories, gestures and testimonies. Through the prism of a group of LGBTQI + migrants, the performance weaves a common space made of the movements of this united group. 

Design – Groupe Solidaire des Migrants LGBTQI+ in collaboration with Liam Warren, assisted by Aurélien Charrier, accompanied by a sound design by Jenny Abouav.
Supported by RIFT With a special thanks to La Zouze – Cie Christophe Haleb.

Attend this Performance Groupe Solidaire des Migrants LGBTQ+ of Marseille, choreographed by Liam Warren
15:30 – 16:00 Register here 
16:30 – 17:00 Register here 
17:30 – 18:00 Register here 

The workshops and the venue are accessible to people with reduced mobility. 

We would like to kindly inform you that there will be video footage taken at this event, if you feel uncomfortable with this, please inform the members of the team present onsite. 

Join the workshop and performance with PASS Manifesta, on registration here ICI.

Centre de la Vieille Charité 2 rue de la Charité, Marseille 13002
#Discussion #Performance #Workshop