Every edition of Manifesta creates a synergy between the main programme of the biennial and so-called « collateral events ». For its 13th edition in Marseille, this programme is entitled Les Parallèles du Sud. and will take place during Manifesta 13 from the 28th of August until the 29th of November 2020. These collateral events aim at highlighting the richness of the artistic and cultural regional scene and strengthening the links between the local ecosystem and external partners.
Discover here the 86 projects with images, virtual visits, podcasts, interview. Stay connected to follow the projects that have been reported to 2021 such as the 93.13 : Appel d’air.e performance at the Théâtre de l’Œuvre, the film La Constellation de la Rouguière of the Cinéma du Sud &Tilt, the La loterie des désirs performance at the ZEF and the exhibition Magnetic North at Vidéochroniques – Espace d’art contemporain.
Within the 380 applications to Les Parallèles du Sud, 86 projects have been selected by a jury composed by of Hedwig Fijen, the director of Manifesta, Colette Barbier, director of the Ricard Foundation, Alya Sebti, member of the artistic team of Manifesta 13 Marseille and the artist Michèle Sylvander. Within the framework of Les Parallèles du Sud programme: international artists, curators, researchers, galleries, nonprofit organisations, and institutions (from across the globe) have worked together with regional actors. Manifesta 13 Marseille’s collateral programme welcomes 350 participants in total (including 200 visual artists of which half are based in the region).
Echoing Traits d’union.s, the main programme of Manifesta 13 Marseille, Les Parallèles du Sud is a rich and muti-disciplinary programme. In store for you: forty exhibitions and installations, as well as a range of performances, conferences, roundtable discussions, summer schools, and publishing and sound projects from Marseille to Nice, from Arles to Avignon and on to Aix-en-Provence, Port de Bouc, Monaco, Vallauris, and Embrun.
A programme generously supported by:

Les Parallèles du Sud Coordinator: Béatrice Simonet
Contact: beatricesimonet@manifesta.org