Marseille Drive is an interdisciplinary, itinerant and in-situ project combining architecture, urbanism, design, sound art and social relations. The artist Cristian Chironi starts a journey in a Fiat 127 car. The car is named Chameleon for its ability to change colors according to the chromatic combinations typical of Le Corbusier’s architectures.
This trip traces the network of relationships that Le Corbusier established with different cities to explore – with the architect’s heritage as well as personal stories related to Chironi’s village in Sardinia as a starting point – the notions of housing and living in an era of increasing precariousness and mobility and to question the distinction between nomadic and sedentary life. For this stopover in Marseille, Drive revolves around an exhibition and a performance/ride in the car to open a shared, intimate reflection on the notions of “Home”, housing, of localisation, movement, and hospitality based on the specificity of this city and its inhabitants.
Vernissage on the 12th September from 16.00 to 20.00: free entrance, appointment under the stilts of the Unité d’Habitation, next to the Fiat 127 Caméléon.
Performances from the 13th to the 16th of September: 5 performances per day, lasting 30 minutes at 17.15, 18.00, 18.45, 19.30, 20.15. Free admission, by reservation at The gauge will be limited to one participant at a time (two if participants book together).
A proposal by Librairie Imbernon in coproduction with the Collezione Andrea Boghi from Brescia.
Curated by Elena Biserna.
With the support of: Fondazione di Sardegna, AR/S Arte Condivisa in Sardegna, Collezione Andrea Boghi, Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier, Kabe Farben.
Partners: Association des habitants de l’UH Le Corbusier de Marseille, Fondation Le Corbusier de Paris, MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna de Bologne (IT), Museo Nivola de Orani (IT), Pierre Jeanneret Museum de Chandigarh (IN), Casa Curutchet de La Plata (AR).