Artists’ residencies move with TRAVAIL TRAVAIL !! a program of professional support for artists’ residencies in the corporate world, with the ambition of preparing students for various contexts and work environments as well as to encourage them to meet the companies of the region. The program was designed by art-cade*, Collective, Marseille Beaux-Arts art school and the Aix-Marseille Mécènes du Sud (a non-profit cultural, artistic network in the South of France) with the support of the Ministry of Culture. The program is open to students and graduates of the Marseille Beaux-Arts art school since 2017. Kévin Cardesa & Aurélien Meimaris did their residency together with HighCo, from September to December 2019. They examined the things that either bring together or separate corporations work and artists work – the mass consumption market and the art market, consumer items and works of art. They want to bring forth the parameters, factors and rules that make the images and marketing blurb what they are, communication as an art form. Flore Saunois & Tzu Chun Ku did their residency together with GTM SUD, from September to December 2019. Their work is full of delicacy the forms of which are sometimes very far from the images evoked by building sites.
Liminal presents the researches and the artistic production after these residencies in the companies both supported by the Aix-Marseille Mécènes du Sud.