28.08 — 29.11.2020

Crimes de Solidarité (Crimes of Solidarity) by Tuan Andrew Nguyen

09.10 - 09.10.2020 / Le Conservatoire

Made in collaboration with former tenants of Squat Saint-Just, the project Crimes de solidarité (Crimes of Solidarity) takes the form of a silenced film where the missing dialogue is performed live in the exhibition space by each of the actors syncing their voices to their own image on screen. As artists and performers performing themselves again and again, their identities fade in and out of focus, simultaneously embodied and disembodied.

A ‘crime of solidarity’ is an informal term that human rights advocates use to denounce the criminalisation of assistance given to undocumented migrants in France. In the face of this state prohibition against caregiving and solidarity, the artist Tuan Andrew Nguyen examines how we hear others and tell of ourselves, activating memory and voice as forms of resistance against erasure and disposability. Can listening to someone’s story be a form of solidarity?

Two performances will take place in Salle Magaud at The Conservatoire, free entrance, no registration needed.

The project was commissioned by Manifesta 13 Marseille and VIA Art Fund.

Le Conservatoire 2 place Auguste et François Carli
#Film #Performance