The terms “Allochronie” and “allotopie” appear in The promises of monsters, a text where Donna Haraway tries to escape from a philosophical despair by contemplating the science-fiction utopia of a heterogeneous collective where humans and non-humans (animals, machines…) co-construct nature – that is not reduced to a property, an origin, a matrix, an empty and innocent space any more… This intangible might also be the language, the body, the nature, yesterday or tomorrow.
With Victor del (M)Oral Rivera, language resonates as an architecture and the landscape scatters in fragments of text. Monumental gestures (La Chute du A), performances, the theme of the reversibility of ideas is indivisible from a game of mirrors that is in the space itself.
With Arina Essipowitsch, the sensual intimacy of the photographs contributes to the creation of a private narrative for the always troubled encounter of bodies with : other bodies, landscapes, light, earth, water… staging, fictions or stories are conceived from an expanded autorial space.
Events :
- Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th of September: Screening of Photocontact – Arina Essipowitsch and Contact Club on the occasion of the Belsunciades.
- Wednesday the 14th of October at 19.00: Meeting with Arina Essipowitsch about her editions at the Centre Photographique de Marseille (74 rue de la Joliette 13002 Marseille).
- Wednesday the 28th of October at 18.00: Reading of Victor del (M)Oral at the École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence (57 rue Emile Tavan Aix-en-Provence).
- Saturday the 31th of October at 20.00: Concert by Amelia Tabeï.
Fake_Book by Victor del (M)Oral will be activated-perforated 3 times during the exhibition:
- Saturday the 19th of September at 17.00: On the occasion of the Belsunciades.
- Thursday the 15th of October at 19.00: In collaboration with Willie Gurner.
- Thursday the 29th of October at 20.00: Final performance.
If you wish to participate, please contact the mediator of La Compagnie or call +33491900426.
Find all the information and details on La Compagnie’s website and their Facebook page.
A proposal by La compagnie, lieu de création.
Curated by Paul-Emmanuel Odin.