Discover the film programme in collaboration with Vidéodrome 2 from the 27th of August until the 25th of October 2020, part of the public programme of Traits d’union.s.
The second session is dedicated to Dennis Cooper and Zac Farley’s films. Their films depict emotion in its most confused and inexpressible aspects. Farley’s visual art and Cooper’s writing share an interest in ineffable emotion and the premise that confusion is a kind of truth. For more than thirty years, Cooper’s writing has been devoted to articulating incommunicable feelings associated with desire and death through fiction. Cooper and Farley’s collaborative films meld their conducive yet different talents to produce transparent fictional characters and simple but complexly layered language.
Dennis Cooper is an American writer born in 1953 and is also a participant of the Traits d’union.s exhibition at Manifesta 13 Marseille, and Zac Farley is a Franco-American artist born in 1988.
Friday – 20.30 – 22.00 Film screening Permanent Green Light (2018) by Dennis Cooper & Zac Farley
Presentation beforehand by the artists + Q&A
Saturday 20.30 – 22.00 Film screening Like Cattle Towards Glow (2015) by Dennis Cooper & Zac Farley
Presentation beforehand by the artists + Q&A
Sunday 20.30 – 22.00 Presentation of the book ZAC’S DRUG BINGE, a gif novel, by Dennis Cooper – Press Kiddiepunk.