28.08 — 29.11.2020

GHOSTLINE (Satellite The Port)

Yassine Balbzioui*

11.09 - 29.11.2020 / Centre Bourse

As a Satellite venue for the central exhibition programme Traits d’union.s and its plot The Home, the Centre Bourse presents Ghostline a work by participant Yassine Balbzioui.

Ghostline presents a series of seven handmade wool carpets, featuring scenes inspired by the artist’s stay in Marseille. Each of the carpets functions as an independent piece and as well as a part of a complex architecture. These works are an imaginative response to experiences of Marseille, translating the city’s everyday visuals into wild performances. They take the form of cinematic cut-outs, with visible and invisible links between absurd, sarcastic scenes full of disguised characters.

Centre Bourse - 17 Cours Belsunce