Concept created by Cora Von Zeschwitz & Tilman.
Creation artistic by Francisca Viudes.
Discover the Youtube channel The (He)art of (He)art Program which includes many videos produced by participants such as Elisabeth Von Samsonow, Shezad Dawood, Collectif Ding, Cora von Zezchwitz and many others, within the framework of Infinite Village.
Installed in Espace Jouenne in Marseille and then at Le 109 in Nice, the Infinite Village is a social, collective and architectural sculpture that invites the experimentation of a “common”. This artistic, participative and educational platform will occupy the cities of Marseille and Nice in various forms (installations, performances, workshops, conferences and projection) offering plural activities to share with local residents, international guests, associations and the public. This European and International entity is shaping a new common and humanist future.
Weekly events :
Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 15.00 to 18.00: Screenings and performances
Every Saturday from 10.00 to 12.00: Drawing workshops for children by Ylia and Emilia Kabakov – Construction of the Wall of Tolerance.
Every Saturday from 17.00 to 19.00: Lucy and Jorge Orta‘s Antarctic Passport Office.
Every Saturday at 18.00: Weekly round tables on themes such as water, food biodiversity, ecological emergency architecture, social justice and utopia by Sigrid Pawelke.
Every Sunday: Open circle or Open talk with the curators, artists and guests present at Maison Montgrand.
On the 28th of August and the 5th, 11th, 18th, 26th of September and the 3rd of October: World Music / Happy Hour / Surprises at Maison Montgrand.
Please do not hesitate to check the new programme every week online on:
A proposition by The (He)art for (He)art Program.
Curated by Francisca Viudes (founder of The (He)art for (He)art Program in Nice) and Cora Von Zeschwitz & Tilman.
Partners : Barta Art Insurance, Maison Montgrand, D.A.C Dolce Acqua Contemporary and Clemence Farrell.