28.08 — 29.11.2020

Anima Mundi

Jean Marie Appriou, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Bella Hunt & Dante Di Calce, Dewar & Gicquel, Andrew Humke, Jean Baptiste Janisset, Jordan Joévin, Jenna Käes, Matteo Nasini, Luigi Ontani, Jacopo Pagin, Ariana Papademetropoulos, Sterling Ruby, Lola Schnabel , Southway Studio, Gérard Traquandi, ASMA VSWV, Ben Wolf Noam

26.09 - 14.12.2020 / Abbaye de Saint-Victor

Guided tour at 10.00 every Saturday, provided by Emmanuelle Luciani or Elie Chich (5 euros).

The exhibition Anima Mundi gathers several international artists (Sterling Ruby, Dewar & Gicquel…) in the ancient crypts of the Abbey of Saint-Victor, one of the oldest monuments in the Provence region. The works on display, mainly sculptures, communicate with the paleochristian sarcophagi in the crypts and propose a reflection on death, spirituality and the relation to History. The works, mixing art and craft, resonate and connect to the place through their vernacular and spiritual anchoring.
The artists invited by Emmanuelle Luciani and Southway Studio combine past and present to offer artistic and aesthetic alternatives to contemporary matters with inspiration from the heritage impulse that arose from the Revolution, or like the Nabis and Pre-Raphaelites who reclaim the past to propose new artistic forms where spirituality is brought together with arts and modernity.


Opening on the 26th of September.


Curated by Emmanuelle Luciani and Charlotte Cosson.
A proposition by Southway Studio.
Partners : Association des Amis de Saint-Victor and the Gagosian Gallery.

Abbaye de Saint-Victor Abbaye de Saint-Victor
#Exhibition #Performance #Talk