28.08 — 29.11.2020

65 rue d’Aubagne

Annika Erichsen, Mehdi Ahoudig

28.08 - 27.09.2020 / Coco Velten

65 rue d’Aubagne is an immersive and sound project that proposes to revisit the collapse of three buildings that caused the death of eight people on November 5, 2018 in the Noailles district of Marseille. The installation brings together two stories, that of Sophie, a survivor of the tragedy, and that of the fire commander who led the search for the victims.


A proposal by Peuple & Culture Marseille in collaboration with Euphonia and Radio Atlas.
Curated by Peuple & Culture Marseille.

Opening the 28th of August from 18.30.

Coco Velten 16 rue Bernard Du Bois 13001 Marseille
+33 (0)6 29 12 00 81
#Exhibition #Sound